Tuesday 9 April 2019



  2. Thursday 31 January 2019

    ICT In Teaching and Learning

                 Information and communication technology is an important instrument,which can transfer the present isolated teacher-centered,book-centered learning environment into a rich student-centeref environment. This new learning environment developed by the ICT is called Interactive Learning Environment.
        ICT is a medium of Teaching and Learning-Joshi(2000).
    ICT 's are one of the major contemporary factors shaping the global economy and producing rapid changes in society. They have fundamentally changed the way people learn, communicate, and do business.
        They can transform the nature a education where and how learning takes place and the roles of students and teachers in the learning process.
          It is important to identify the driving force behind the process. The four forces includes
                Teachers and learners as a actors,
                Content and materials and teachnical infrastructure as a learning infrastructure.

               Teaching at school as well as higher education, mostly, concentrates on giving information which is not the sole objective of Teaching. Along with giving information, the other objectives are
               Developing understanding and application of the concepts.
               Developing expression power.
               Developing reasoning and thinking power.
               Developing of judgement and decision making ability.
               Improving comprehension , speed and vocabulary.
               Developing proper study habits.

    ICT based learning environment:
             One important question in ICT how effective the ICT's are in education? To evaluate this,3 aspects are to be considered.comparision of traditional LE with ICT based L.E we can use
           ICT mediated teaching and learning environment.
           ICT enabled teachers and learners environment.
           Combination of all technologies worth of their costs.
            In first ICT mediated instruction given through a technology channel, Radio ,T.V or computer network etc. Environment research evidences prove ICT mediated instruction using conventional methods is as effective as face to face instruction.
           In second, ICT enabled instructions environment provide new methods, accessories remote resources ,collaborative learning ,information literacy, etc.
           Third provide rich teaching and learning environment where teacher transforms from dissemination of information to a learning facilitators. ICT makes teachers to provide students with self-paced,self -directed, problem-based environment and also assess their performance in an objective manner.
    Advantages and disadvantages of ICT in teaching and learning:
             In creation this new Teaching and learning environment, ICT offer numerous advantages and provide opportunities for:
             Facilitating learning for children who have different learning styles and abilities ,including slow learners, the socially disadvantaged, the mentally and physically handicapped, the talented ,and those living in remote rural areas;
              Making learning more effective, involving more senses in a multimedia context and more connections in a hypermedia context and
              Providing a broader international context for approaching problems as well as being more sensitive response to local needs.
               Besides the undoubted advantages of ICT it is rather important to draw attention to certain drawbacks of ICT some of the drawbacks are
                     Wasting of time in playing computer games rather than using it for learning.
                      Unlimited access to information which also not good.
                       Losing traditional skills,and
                       Health problems associated with computer.

     Use of ICT in teaching-learning:
              Teachers have been conscious about the quality of their teaching. To enhance the quality some teachers use teaching aids like charts models-static and working ,specimen ,slides etc.because teachers are given training both in preparation and use of Audio-visual aids. It is a known fact that majority of schools do not have appropriate teaching aids related to the school content. So teachers have no facility to use A-V aids during teaching.

    Impacts of ICT on teaching- learning:
          The rapid development in information and communication technology provides tools such computers interactive multimedia CD-ROMS, e-mail and internet.
           The use of such well -advanced technologies how now enabled the learning of flexible learning. The flexible teaching - learning strategies provide high quality education and ensure equity in education opportunities particularly to the disadvantages like physicallay challenged adult learning ect. Thus, ICT acts as a vehicles for creating active learning experiences.
             ICT is a discipline in itself and it is usually taught in computer labs. The large proportion of school subjects such as mathematics, social science, science , communication and language, use computer. The introduction of ICT can lead to active , constructive methods of teaching situations. Many educators say that the appropriate use of ICT by learners can assist teachers in determining and communication technologies and are likely to develop more positive attitudes toward their learning and themselves why they use them.